
MGCL introduces innovative approaches to delivery of Medical Health Care Service to our customers, in particular the remote rural mass populace and the urban disadvantaged. MGCL takes adherence to following the PNG Government Vision 2050 and the National Health Plan 2011-2020 and seriously. Thus the major driving force of the Medical Health Care Services Business is in line with the Key Result Areas (KRA) of the National Health Plan (NHP) 2011-2020: In particular KRA 1, improving service delivery to remote rural mass populace, KRA 2, strengthening private public partnership and coordination with stakeholders. Both these factors cannot operate in isolation without KRA 3, strengthening health systems.

Health Care Services

MHCS is well poised in the PNG Medical Field with over 20 years’ experience in Delivery of Medical Health Care Services to the neglected Clients accessing Remote Rural Health Care Facilities, with well backed up MHS health care system machinery. MHCS is tailor made for PNG remote rural setting in health care service delivery linking its medical priorities with the NHP2011-2020 and the Go PNG 2050 VISION. MHCS understands the current two different PNG health care systems and strives to work in partnership with these systems. For instance, MHCS understands the new PHA concept and strives to work in partnership with designated provinces to effectively deliver health care services to mass remote rural populace


To follow Long Term Government Plan VISION 2050 in its
endeavor to provide remote rural communities with an
effective and efficient medical health care service delivery


To liaise, strategize and work with Non-Government
Organizations; International and National Donors; Corporate Entities; Other Stakeholders and establish long term relationships with these Organizations; so Mobo can be a Team Player with these organizations in terms of remote rural medical health care service delivery;

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you, please give us a call or drop us an email. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Working hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 -18:30 Hrs
Friday - 8:00 -18:00 Hrs
Saturday - 8:00 -17:00 Hrs
Sunday - Closed

We are here

Section 302 Lot 03, Gerehu Drive Stage 3, NCD
Phone: +675 7802 2309
Email: info@mobopng.com